Live always at the edge of poetic possibilty, even in the face of severe prose. - Walter Bruggemann

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

ABC Wednesday - K

K is for Kormorant. I was on Cape Cod in October and found the kormorants sitting on the sand sunning themselves. Then, something spooked them and they all took off. It looked chaotic at first but then they got it all together. I think that kormorant can also be spelled with a c as in cormorant. I've been saving these photos for my K entry so there you go! For more K entries you can see Mrs. Nesbitt at ABC Wednesday.


Cindy said...

What a kick to see kormorants so khaotic! Cute sheepish puppy pic, too! Happy foolin'.

gone to the dogs said...

There you go! Cool pictures and great idea for the letter K.

Tumblewords: said...

Nice post! I haven't seen them on the shore - usually in the water. Good photo!

Jay said...

Yes, we spell it with a 'C' here! Lovely pictures - I love to watch them fishing and drying their wings, too.

On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, thanks for taking part this week! :)

Bradley Hsi said...

Lovely shots, make us miss Cape Cod even more. We will be back this summer. Thanks for visiting our blog.

Unknown said...

The view look cool..birdie are they going to migrate somewhere???
Thanks for the visit and have a nice day.

mrsnesbitt said...

Sorry it has taken me a week to get round to visit you, but welcome aboard and thanks so much for contributing!