Live always at the edge of poetic possibilty, even in the face of severe prose. - Walter Bruggemann

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Around Town

I want to share some random photos with you. They were not taken on the same day but they were snapped on one of my many walks in Jerusalem. This is the veranda right outside of St. John's Chapel of the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in the Old City. It is here that we have coffee hour and greet tourist who worshipped with us.
On Ben Yehuda Street - you'll always find someone selling items. This man was out selling tefillin to a passerby. Tefillin are little black boxes that have small scrolls inside inscribed with scripture passages. Jews are to wear them at morning prayers.

A woman asking for 'donations' at the Kotel or Western Wall
Nuns walking back from the Sunday morning worship service at the Dormition Abbey.
Boys will be boys. After school one day I saw these boys climbing a Palm tree outside of the walls of the Old City.
One of the shops at the marketplace in the Old City.
Either his parents forgot to tell him that the 60's were over or he has a case of Jerusalem Syndrome. He was playing his guitar at the entrance to the Holy Sepulchre plaza.


Dina said...

You really capture the many faces of Jerusalem. What a treasure.


Always good, beautiful and edifying for those of us waiting at the gas station.