Live always at the edge of poetic possibilty, even in the face of severe prose. - Walter Bruggemann

Friday, June 6, 2008

Sleep in Heavenly Peace

I've said before that cats are everywhere in Israel. This mother and her kitty's live next door to me. Although, one morning last week, very early in the morning, I went outside and she was sleeping right outside of my door. A moment of grace.


Dina said...

They must have felt the peace at your door. Purrfect neighbors.

Cynthia said...

In Oaxaca where my church goes on its mission trip, it's dogs. Whenever we walk into the village, around practically every corner there's a dog, usually asleep, sometimes patrolling its neighborhood. And roosters.

Such a sweet photo. Reminds me of when my daughters were small and would climb into bed with David and me. And lay on top of us just like that.