I've been attending the International Seminar for Educators at the International School for Holocaust Studies at Yad Vashem here in Jerusalem. The seminar began on January 7 and will run until January 24 - six days a week. The Seminar is designed to enhance educators knowledge and skills in teaching about the Shoah and anti-semitism. During the seminary the participants have the opportunity to engage Yad Vashem's extensive resource and pedagogic center, the museum and memorials, and to hear lectures from world renown scholars in Holocaust studies from Hebrew University, Tel Aviv University and Bar Ilan University.
This is a group photo on the original steps of the Hulda Gate that lead to the Temple Mount during the Second Temple period.
There are 39 of us in the class from all over the world. The Aussie's win with approximately 15 participants. Other countries represented are: Brazil, Canada, Lativa, Lithuania, Czek Republic, Romania, South Africa, Ireland, Macedonia, Serbia, Estonia and the USA. Amazing people, amazing educators. We are working well together and get along wonderfully.
We have had a couple days of touring to Tel Aviv and the Old City in Jerusalem. Next weekend we will go to Masada and the Dead Sea. Then we will head north to the Galilee and Golan. I'll be posting photos from our trips as well as a photo essay of sculptures in and around Yad Vashem. This is an extremely moving experience and I am humbled to be among some of the wonderful educators of the world.
Very interesting piece of sculpture.I like it very much.
I'm reading a work of fiction based on a true story of how northern Italian families saved the lives of 43,000 Jews toward the end of WWII. A Thread of Grace by Mary Doria Russell. I highly recommend it.
Thanks Cynthia for the recommendation. It's so important to hear stories of the righteous among the gentiles as well.
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